Haben Sie schon von “La Fresque du Climat” gehört? Oder “Klima Puzzle” auf Deutsch? This educational workshop from France aims to educate as many people as possible, both young and old, about the challenges of climate change. The association’s mission is: “To accelerate the understanding of climate issues globally to contribute to triggering, as soon as possible, the necessary shifts for the preservation of life.”
In France, the workshop has become a must-attend event with 1,350,000 participants. But the workshop also appeals internationally in 157 countries with already 350,000 participants. There are nearly 80,000 facilitators, and the game is translated into more than 45 languages. Germany has about 30,000 participants and 2,000 facilitators.
As a climate protection NGO, we are always looking for new approaches to bring climate education to people. Wir hatten das Vergnügen, Ende April 2024 bei einem Workshop auf der “JugendKonferenz” im Kloster Benediktbeuern (Bayern) mit Das Klima Puzzle zusammenzuarbeiten (siehe unser Artikel hier). Diese Veranstaltung ermöglichte es vielen der jugendlichen Teilnehmenden des Workshops, sich aktiv und spielerisch mit dem Verständnis und der Bekämpfung des Klimawandels auseinanderzusetzen. Um mehr über diesen Tag und unsere anderen Aktionen zu erfahren, lesen Sie unseren vollständigen Artikel in unserem Blog.
The climate puzzle helps to raise awareness of climate problems. But this initiative is not only about raising awareness. It engages, educates and inspires concrete and sustainable measures.
Klima Puzzle: Ein innovatives Konzept
The climate puzzle is characterized by its collaborative, playful and scientific approach. Based on IPCC reports, this is a three-hour workshop that will enable participants to to understand the causes and consequences of climate change in a playful and interactive way. It is divided into three parts:
- Reconstruction of the “KlimaPuzzle”: In teams (from 4 to 7) participants place the 44 (23 for the junior version) maps from IPCC reports and connect them by causes and consequences.
- Creative part: To master the puzzle, participants can draw, find a name and use color codes.
- Transition to action: Introduction of dimensions and considerations on individual and collective actions to combat climate change.
The moderators*s of the climate puzzle are active in different contexts: schools, companies, town halls, ministries,… Each workshop offers the opportunity to be trained in moderation. Thus, the participants can become mediators of consciousness* in their own communities.
©FRANCE – CLIMATE FRESK WORSHOP – Photograph by Mary-Lou Mauricio / Hans Lucas. France, Paris 2022.
La Fresque du Climat: Eine inspirierende Geschichte
ClimateFresk was founded in December 2018 by Cédric Ringenbach – an engineer specializing in climate change; professor, climate change consultant and director of the “Shift Project” (a French think tank) from 2010 to 2016. The concept was born out of a desire to make understanding climate issues more accessible and appealing – beyond traditional PowerPoint presentations. And it quickly gained popularity.
Cédric Ringenbach first tested different versions of the game with his students* and aroused great interest. Many participants decided to become a moderator*. The success then expanded with large-scale events such as the “Climate Reentries” in schools and workshops in companies and public institutions.
Wir von Protect the Planet unterstützen die Bewegung des Klima Puzzles gerne und laden jeden ein, die Workshops auszuprobieren – und damit selbst ein Akteur des Wandels zu werden!
Wenn Sie an einem Workshop teilnehmen oder einen in einer Firma oder Schule organisieren möchten – schauen Sie auf der Website des Klima Puzzles vorbei!