Climate Action Munich
Exit coal, oil and gas
Munich City Council resolved back in June 1998 that “Munich should do no harm”, meaning Munich had a duty to become climate-neutral as soon as possible and end the damaging emissions that cause so much harm globally, regionally and locally.
Together with a strong and diverse network within the Bavarian capital city, we actively campaign to ensure the city keeps its promise.
The outcome of the local referendum in 2017 to close down the coal-fired power station, which we supported to a significant degree, revealed that the people of Munich also want more progress on climate-change mitigation. So we are campaigning for action on this local referendum, for the City Council and its subsidiary companies to divest itself of dirty power generation and commit to a complete exit from gas, as well as expansion of geothermal capacity.
More about “Climate Action Munich”:
Nothing good about gas
Exit Spirit Energy: we called on the Munich utility company to say goodbye to its damaging oil and gas-fired business
Get into geothermal energy!
The Munich utility company (SWM) wanted to keep Munich residents in (fossil-fuel) shackles – despite the fact that an environmentally
Exit Spirit Energy
Exit Spirit Energy: we called on the Munich utility company to say goodbye to its damaging oil and gas-fired business
Munich’s exit from coal
The burning of coal is the most environmentally harmful form of energy generation and makes a significant contribution to climate
Our vision:
To stop the climate
We help prevent the climate catastrophe and make our planet just and liveable.
Current events
Our series of informative events cover a broad range of issues on all aspects of the environment and nature preservation, climate crisis, energy and mobility trends and sustainable lifestyles.
Many different experts provide in-depth analysis of the burning questions of our time, as we explore how to live a climate-friendly life.
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News from the Planet
München/Erfurt, 23. August 2024 – Eine neue
Auf ins historische Münchner Filmtheater Sendlinger Tor:
Können Klimaklagen einen Ausweg aus der Klimakrise