Newsletter Press

Our events

There is still too little known about the climate crisis and what we can do to avert it. To bridge this gap, our Climate Talks – organised by our voluntary expert Dr Helmut Paschlau – aim to provide information on many different aspects of climate change with a particular focus on specific things we can do ourselves. If you think a subject is missing, please contact us with your suggestion. Or let us know if you particularly enjoyed one of our talks.

We appreciate any support you are able to offer by way of a donation.

Missed an event?

No problem, just go to our archive to find the presentations and videos for each event:

Dr. Tilmann Rave und Dr. Herbert Koschel: “Kommunale Wärmeplanung München – Stand und Ausblick” (Achtung: Terminänderung!)

SHK-Innung: Rupert-Mayer-Str. 41, 81379 München Rupert-Mayer-Str. 41, München, Deutschland
Virtual Event Hybrid Event

Ob und wie das Ziel „Klimaneutralität 2035“ in München erreicht wird, darüber werden die beiden Verantwortlichen aus der Stadtverwaltung, Dr. Tilman Rave, und von den Stadtwerken München, Dr. Herbert Koschel, aus erster Hand berichten.
