A breath of fresh air
A strong alliance designed to close the gap in wind energy in Germany.
For years now there has been a huge lack of progress on wind power. To bridge this gap, a whole range of measures at different levels is required. The primary goal of the Wind Council initiated by Protect the Planet is therefore massive expansion of wind power in Germany – working in conjunction with environmental organisations, energy and climate change agencies of the regional governments, commercial companies, associations and other voluntary groups.
Wind power is THE central building block of a sustainable and future-proof energy supply. If we want to reach the climate change goals we have set ourselves and retain our quality of life, we must significantly expand wind power in Germany. Increasing our wind power capacity will mean changes for many people at a local level and have an impact on their day-to-day lives to some extent. This means that, in order to plan and implement successful joint projects, it is very important to involve people in any change processes from the very beginning, to ensure they help shape the places where they live and work.
This is precisely where the nationwide alliance of the Wind Council set up by Protect the Planet comes in, as an independent and non-partisan network of very different stakeholders at all levels (e.g. energy and climate change agencies of the regional governments, companies, energy networks of local citizens, interest groups, associations, NGOs etc). Our role is to distribute information and communicate verifiable facts about wind power. In addition we aim, through joint activities and best-practice methods for all kinds of educational and participatory measures, to inspire, encourage and practically assist stakeholders to implement wind power projects in their local area. This helps increase understanding and acceptance of the sustainable power of wind to change lives for the better.
For more information about our projects, go to: www.wind-rat.de
Our vision:
To stop the climate
We help prevent the climate catastrophe and make our planet just and liveable.
Current events
Our series of informative events cover a broad range of issues on all aspects of the environment and nature preservation, climate crisis, energy and mobility trends and sustainable lifestyles.
Many different experts provide in-depth analysis of the burning questions of our time, as we explore how to live a climate-friendly life.
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News from the Planet
Die Bundestagswahl 2025 steht kurz bevor –
Die Weihnachtszeit steht vor der Tür, und
Die 29. UN-Klimakonferenz (COP29) ist vorbei und
Naturschutz ist Menschenrecht – Umfassendes Biodiversitäts-Schutzkonzept nötig
Ab 9. Oktober feierte der urgewald-Dokumentarfilm im
Wer in München nachhaltigkeitsinteressiert und/oder klimaaktiv ist,